EthStaker Project
NFT Submission by Igor Scek


Proposed art style is a bit cartoonish digital illustration with vidid/fresh colors.

The creature is called -Blockie'. It is a creature living on the blockchain, with the ETH as the soul that gives life to the creature. The body is made out of blocks. In the first phase, body is composed out of one big block and two smaller ones. In the next phases/progressions more blocks can be added to the composition. ETH simbol can progress in terms of changed textures and colors, it can get enlightened in the later phases. Eyes can also change colors, in the later phase third eye can also be added. On top is the hat which can also progress in the later phases to other more advanced forms of hats.

Other elements should also change through the phases-number of blocks, type of hat, maybe also shape of the eyes... For example in first phase it can be one big block, in second two, in third three. Also the third eye can be added in the third phase.

For each of the parts should be created X number of variations. We have here: hat, eyes, ETH symbol, eyes holders (connection to block(body)), block (body) and background. That is six parts but block can also be split in two parts in needed (big central block(s) and smaller ones (hands). The style is relatively simple- colorful, with smooth shading.

- Igor Scek

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